Why do octopuses have 8 legs 3 hearts and 9 brains?

Octopuses have 3 hearts, because two pump blood to the gills and a larger heart circulates blood to the rest of the body. Octopuses have 9 brains because, in addition to the central brain, each of the 8 arms has a mini-brain that allows it to act independently. The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood, which makes reality stranger than fiction. According to Biogeo Planet, the octopus is considered the most intelligent creature because it has 9 brains.

But how does an octopus use 9 brains? In fact, each of his eight brains helps control arm movements. And, the center for other activities. In many ways, octopuses are the closest thing to having aliens on Earth. These fascinating cephalopods are incredibly unique, with three hearts pumping blue blood.

However, perhaps more noteworthy is the fact that these sea creatures have more than one brain. In addition to a central brain located between the eyes, octopuses have separate “mini-brains” at the base of each of their eight tentacles. Unlike most creatures, octopuses have nine brains and use them incredibly skillfully. Jon adds: “Octopuses seem to be able to recognize individuals outside their own species, including human faces.

The size and volume of an octopus's limbs help partially explain why these cephalopods might need such a specialized circulatory system, but the high amounts of energy needed to keep nine separate brains oxygenated could also be an important factor. This is just one of many facts that highlight how different the anatomy of the nervous system of an octopus is compared to that of vertebrates and many other invertebrates. Biologists at the Seattle Aquarium designed an experiment to test the recognition abilities of the giant Pacific octopus. BOSTON (AP) Mythology and superstition have portrayed octopuses as alien beings or evil creatures that inhabit the terrifying and dark depths of the oceans.

Both cuttlefish and squid have three hearts, an evolution that they also adapted to remedy the unique difficulties of the aquatic ecosystems they inhabit. Octopus and vertebrate brains have no common anatomy, but they support a variety of similar characteristics, including forms of short- and long-term memory, versions of sleep, and the ability to recognize individual people and explore objects through play.


have proven to be very efficient at using all the oxygen that their hearts pump through their body, but that may be less a sign that they have efficient circulatory systems and more a result of need. These separate brains play an important role in octopus' intelligence and unique personalities, making them the most intelligent invertebrates on the planet.

Therefore, 320 million neurons in an octopus, more than two-thirds of them, are found at the base of its arms and not in its central brain. This makes octopus more vulnerable to predators, but they seem willing to accept the short-term risk for future protection. The mystery behind the blue blood of an octopus is fundamental to understanding its need to have three hearts. For now, it's important to note that, although the anatomies are strikingly different, octopuses still have particular cognitive abilities in common with vertebrates, such as humans.

Because octopuses don't have bones, they can fit in extremely small spaces, such as in this “plexiglass wonderland” created by Nat Geo. The last common ancestor of vertebrates and molluscs such as octopus existed more than 600 million years ago, making it more than twice as old as the first dinosaurs. .

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